Based on macroscopical earthquake calamities and laboratory tests , traditional methods about estimation and grade evaluation of liquefaction are inducted by means of generalization , analyses and statistics , which have some practicability and some limitation 传统的判别和等级评价方法多是在宏观震害现象和室内试验基础上总结、分析、统计得到的,有一定的实用性,但也存在着一些局限性,结论可靠度尚需提高。
The results of the experiment are in good agreement with the data of theoretical calculation and the actual conditions of earthquake calamity . these data and information give a convenience for the following work . the finite element analysis ( fea ) has been completed within the environment of ansys 有限元分析主要以ansys为工具对烟囱进行了动应力计算,得出了在不同地震波水平和竖向激励下动应力随高度分布情况,并据此绘制了动应力随高度变化曲线图。